the Ideological Picnic

The promotional image for Richie Cyngler, Ideological Picnic.

Richie Cyngler. The Ideological Picnic, 2015.

Electronics and free libre soft and hardware


The piece is comprised of an interactive touch interface for audio improvisation. The content is played via four individual audio streams which are randomly loaded and cached originally from online sources; mutable and mixable by the user. Samples within each of the four streams are thematically tied in some way.

Have an ideological picnic and experiment with the interface for yourself.


Touch the screen to activate

Experiment with the sliders and buttons to determine functions

Refine your soundscape



Listen… drift

Functionally this object is a Raspberry Pi 2 computer running a suitable Linux distribution, Pure Data Extended and The Ideological Picnic patch. Sound sources are all available online and are indexed and linked at

Richie Cyngler investigates the use of free libre technologies to make audio-visual interactive installation and performance objects. The Ideological Picnic is an exploration of soundscape remix in a personal interactive experience.

Interlemetry/ Intralemetry

What does this tool do? It is capable of facilitating meditation? Transformation?

Thanks to the work and voices of

Slavoj Zizek
Benjamen Walker
Astrid Taylor
Bell Hooks
William S Burroughs
Louise Bourgois
Gil Fronsdal
E Gabriella Coleman
Jaron Lanier

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